Poland fights emblem
Poland fights emblem
Poland fights emblem

Poland fights

$5.00 (Tax Included)
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  • dimensions: hgt. 22mm x wd. 20mm
  • how to attach: pin
  • casted metal emblem
  • color: silver
Color : Silver
  • Silver

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Our family-run company has been on the market for almost 100 years, offering stylish head wear as well as other unique gadgets and accessories. There is no shortage of various kinds of emblems, including those designed for fans of militaria. One of them is the pin-mounted emblem of the “Poland Fightinganchor. The easy attachment method and the small size of the badge allow for a wide selection of headwear – the emblem goes well with caps such as the Maciejówka cap, Breton cap, Confederate cap and others.

The “Poland Fighting” anchor was a symbol drawn on walls and pavements during the Second World War in Nazi-occupied Poland to keep Polish society in a high fighting spirit and raise hopes for a victory. The sign was used in acts of industrial and street-level sabotage by members of the “Wawer” scouting organisation.

The sign was chosen in a clandestine contest. It was designed by the scout instructor Anna Smoleńska, code name Hania. The anchor appeared in Warsaw on 20 March 1942 as a sign of Fighting Poland.

A similar symbol was also used before the war by the Polish Publishing House R. Wegner on the cover of the book “Hunting for Marine Monsters”. In Warsaw, at 75 Koszykowa Street, there is a granite plaque commemorating the creators of the anchor sign.

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