You want to improve your condition? Or lose the extra kilos? Any reason is good to start running or continue training - despite the bad weather. You will not be scared away by yellow leaves or lower temperatures - if you invest in a good outfit, your next run will certainly not end with a cold.
End of the summer season – take care of your hats
At the end of the summer season, devote some time to take care of your hats. The caps and hats that have accompanied you over the past few months need to be refreshed, sometimes thoroughly cleaned and stored.
Men’s autumn / winter fashion 2020/2021
Mid-September is the best time to start preparing your wardrobe for the upcoming autumn-winter season. Check your wardrobe and the condition of your clothes and accessories from last year. Also see which basic items and accessories are missing in your wardrobe so you can prepare a shopping list.
The maciejowka cap is an elegant accessory to a Parisian-style outfit
The maciejówka cap has a very long and rich history. However, to this day it is still uncertain where its name comes from. Nowadays, in its modern version, it is an elegant and interesting accessory to women's Parisian style
Female or male a classic design what kind of cap or hat do we need for the summmer
Czapka to ważny element garderoby, który pomaga podkreślić charakter stylizacji. To nakrycie głowy jest chętnie wybierane w okresie jesienno-zimowym, ponieważ dobrze chroni przed chłodem.