How did felt pieces become a favourite accessory of showbiz stars?

How did felt pieces become a favourite accessory of showbiz stars?

During a weekend shopping spree, many times we may come across something in clothing shops that only 15 years ago we would have associated with kitsch and something that only an old lady going to a neighbourhood shop might wear. It is, of course, felt! Something that was once synonymous with embarrassment, something undesirable and rejected, has, after many years, become a fashionable and attractive material. Felt came out of hiding, where it had been for many years forgotten and unappreciated. Today, it doesn’t evoke a sense of amusement or pity, on the contrary, it’s in vogue! Today, top fashion designers appreciate this material and are keen to design numerous items from it, which we can later see at the world’s biggest fashion shows in Paris or New York. And not just on the catwalks. You only have to look at celebrities, even those from our own backyard, to see how many of them use felt accessories, even posing in them on the walls!

History woven with felt

Felt is one of the oldest, longest-established materials known to mankind and was originally used to make rugs and carpets to protect the interior of homes from the cold. Because felt is ideal

for warming, it is most often used in the autumn/winter season. We can spot it during the winter holidays in cabins and mountain restaurants. According to one legend, it is said to have been created by accident when sheep sailing on Noah’s Ark began to starve and,

losing their wool, trampled around in the damp room for weeks. When the Ark found land successfully, a beautiful and fluffy carpet was created where the sheep had been. Felt was used by Roman armies during their conquests, as well as by merchants and pilgrims who tucked it into their footwear so they could travel long distances without chafing or irritation. Over time, even more advantages of this wonderful material were recognised and it began to be used in the production of garments that have now become mass-produced.

Felt on a hat rules!

Felt is currently experiencing a renaissance and we are witnessing its spectacular revival on city streets. Today in the shops we have a choice of felt dresses, skirts, even trousers, women’s blouses, men’s blouses, beautiful felt ponchos with flower and plant motifs, as well as last season’s hit – headwear such as women’s and men’s felt hats! There are also plenty of choices for the little ones, as felt is ideal for sewing toys, teddy bears and dolls that are safe for the child and extremely resistant to damage and dirt. When buying a felt skirt or hat, which currently reigns supreme on the streets of Polish cities, it is worth realising that this material is healthy for our skin, ecological and

safe, and has been known to mankind for several thousand years. Felt will never crease, deform or stretch. It will serve you and your family for many years to come!

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