A woman in a men’s headgear? YES!

A woman in a men’s headgear? YES!

In the past, caps and hats such as peaked caps, maciejówka caps, or berets were meant only for men. Nowadays, stylish women are very happy to wear them, too. A men’s hat worn by a woman is a perfect choice for spring. It will protect your hairstyle from the effects of strong wind, rain and sun. It will ensure hair comfort and health during changing weather conditions. Headgear will save you the money you’d spend on medicine, sick leave or bad mood. You should think about choosing the right hat for spring time already today.

Men’s cap on women’s head, perfect for spring

A spring hat is not only the perfect complement to a woman’s spring styling, but also a very effective protection against wind and rain, which does not ruin our hairstyle, and can make us cold or even more serious in its consequences. So in order not to lose spring days, lying in bed with a temperature and a runny nose, it is worth thinking about buying some headgear to wear in the spring. We can reach for a number of interesting cuts that were once reserved only for men.

Which hat to choose?

The spring hat should protect your head against changing weather conditions. Peaked caps are perfect and not only those we know from sports arenas or Major League Baseball matches. Elegant styles will be perfect for peaked caps, maciejówka caps, gavroche caps or motorcycle caps. A less formal version is the patrol cap. Are you a special woman? Do you want to feel more confident? Do you want to stand out in the crowd? Wear a stylish cap.

A women’s peaked cap. Is that even an option?

The peaked cap is a classic men’s cap from England. In the 14th century, the parliament in the north of England ordered all men over the age of six to wear a cap on Sundays and holidays. The regulation concerned men in the lower social classes. Failure to comply with this rule was subject to heavy fines. The nineteenth century peaked caps were a success because they were popular with English gang members. Legend has it that they hid razor blades between the peak and the crown of the cap – which then served as a weapon in street fights. The women’s peaked cap was a hit in 2018 and has since then been present at fashion shows and as a unique addition to the clothing collections of great designers and large chain clothing brands. We recommend the tweed and woolen versions for the cold seasons. For warm days, we encourage you to choose a linen or a thin cotton peaked cap. The peaked cap is also called the English cap, gatsby, sixpence, Swedish cap… Is it about the name, though? It’s important that you feel comfortable in it.

The maciejówka cap is back in fashion.

The maciejówka cap is an original headgear that is definitely back in style. The headgear dates back to the 19th century. It was worn by Marshal Józef Piłsudski, who made the maciejówka cap the official headgear of the First Brigade of Polish Legions. The military version of the maciejówka cap was sewn from grey cloth, with a brown peak, over which an eagle was placed – the symbol of Poland. The cap became so popular that by the middle of the 20th century it was worn in the countryside by wealthy peasants. The maciejówka cap came back to fashion in the 1960s and 1970s. It was an element of outfits of the young generation of rebels, who through their clothing manifested a departure from rigid moral and fashion norms. It was worn by John Lennon, which is why today it is also called the Lennon cap or Beatles cap.

The beret – French chic or granny style?

An interesting proposal are berets, which according to the latest trends may become a hot fashion item of the coming spring. The beret with antenna, popularized by French films, was created in the French province of Bearn. The beret was to protect the shepherds’ heads from rain, wind and sun. There are also military berets, which are part of the gala costume of air and land forces. Thanks to the revolutionary Che Guevara, the beret became a

symbol of revolution. The beret was an indispensable attribute of the bohemia, painters, poets and writers. Today, berets are worn mainly by women, although it was not until the previous century that they started to be worn by them. The headgear that used to be considered typically masculine, will work in any women’s outfit. If properly selected, they will add chic, elegance or extravagance.

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