Linen – the world’s healthiest and most underrated fabric

Linen – the world’s healthiest and most underrated fabric

Linen has been one of the most widely used natural materials throughout history. The ancient Egyptians and Romans utilized flax fibers to create clothing such as dresses, trousers, and wide shirts. Archaeological findings suggest that flax was used to make clothes as far back as 10,000 years ago. Fragments of linen fabric found in graves indicate that it was a luxury item affordable only to the wealthiest individuals due to the extensive labor and raw materials required to produce linen clothing. The cultivation of flax plants on a larger scale began later on. In the Middle Ages, linen fashion became popular in Central Europe, particularly among the ladies of the court who proudly wore fashionable linen dresses.

Versatile flax: a nutritional powerhouse for consumption and care

It is worth mentioning that flax was originally used mainly as a food ingredient due to its high nutritional value. Nutritionists still recommend flax seeds as they contain protein, healthy fats, and vitamins. The seeds dissolved in water are great to drink, especially for digestive problems. It can also be used as a homemade hair mask, which nourishes the scalp and makes hair strong and shiny. You can prepare such a flaxseed concoction yourself at home, or buy it ready-made as an oil for external use.

Linen reigns on the walls

Nowadays linen remains still fashionable. Just trace the photos of modern celebrities. Linen, trendy boho-style shirts perfect for summer evenings are making waves in the celebrity world! Long linen dresses in shades of green, brown, and beige have reigned on the catwalks for years. The colorful 70s, in particular, have seen an abundance of clothes made from linen. Fashion comes full circle, and today we can also enjoy a large selection of fashionable linen clothes. Linen suits everyone! Headwear such as linen hats and berets have also become very popular, as have men’s and women’s linen flat caps, which enjoy considerable success. More and more men are opting for linen clothing and accessories. The linen men’s flat cap made popular in menswear in the 1940s is back in style. Wearing this fabric and accessories will pay off for you as it is eco-friendly and healthy for the body.

Long-term benefits

Linen does not cause abrasions, is not allergenic, and the skin can breathe freely in it. This is especially useful in summer when hot weather makes us sweat more and our skin needs adequate protection from the sun. Linen is an extremely durable material, as it does not stretch or warp, the garment can be washed multiple times and enjoyed for years. It is worth stocking your wardrobe with some linen accessories for the summer, and you will certainly not regret it.

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